Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting Situated

4:12 pm

Wow. January 1st. And I'm creating a blog. Something I've seen mentioned three times on the Disney Channel in the last ten minutes. Perhaps I'm in the wrong demographic for this stuff. I'm not really sure I know what I'm doing here (and feeling a little like a dork) but I thought it might be an interesting project for myself for the new year. Of course, no decision I make comes easily. Even the creation of this blog, for example. Fortunately for me, there were only about eight style and background choices. Stumped for about ten minutes, I finally closed my eyes and pointed to the screen resulting in this one, the 'snapshot' option. Should have been a no-brainer.

Of course, the title to this blog came with much greater pain. So, while my son and husband spent countless hours watching a New Year's Day bowl game and eating gameday garbage and my sweet, young daughter slept in from the borderline child abuse bedtime we gave her last night of 2am, I decided to start this project. And, thus, I needed a name. After racking (a careful google search determined that 'rack and not 'wrack' was the correct spelling here) my brain for a few hours with the help of the internet, I came up with the following list of potential titles:

all roads lead to rome
bad hair day
be that as it may
bring a knife to a gunfight
bull in a china shop
burning the candle at both ends
by the seat of my pants
come hell or high water
come what may
coming out of the woodwork
day in the sun
dirty laundry
every ass likes to hear herself bray
foot in mouth
from soup to nuts
headless chicken
like it or lump it
lord love a duck
neither fish nor fowl
no bones about it
playing it by ear
rusty needle
spur of the moment
squeaky wheel
sunday driver
velvet glove

They all had a different relevance to my project but, as you've already figured out (if anyone is actually reading this information), I went with 'Playing it by Ear.' I like the obvious musical reference as that's an important component of my background but I also sympathized with the meaning listed beneath the expression: "If you play it by ear, you don't have a plan of action, but decide what to do as events take shape." Seems pretty damned accurate for what I'm taking on. Hang on, "readers" (again this might just mean me), as this is liable to be an odd and tangentially-shifting ride.


  1. You started on Blogspot? Awesome. Love it. It sounds just like you. Especially about Googling "wrack" and "rack." The name "Burning the Candle at Both Ends" made me giggle. It's so fitting for both of us. Great start! xoxo

  2. And you had CAPTIA on! Turn it off, turn it off!! :)

  3. Well it only took 4 years, but I did read it. And thanks for the seed of introspection, as I am one to play it by ear for most things. But that is a good thing.:)

  4. Hey, guys. Thanks for commenting. We may be the only three people who ever comment on these hallowed walls.

    ("Halllowed? Don't flatter yourself, Michele," said my low self-esteem.")

    This is Michele, the blog author, by the way. OldDogNewTits, as I am listed here, is the name of my OTHER blog (
